why is blue lock the best anime of 2022, I have one answer to that... tournament.
yes, tournament. blue lock has brought out a highly competitive environment for soccer.
it features a game where there will not only be competitions between each team but also between team members.
Every major character has their strength and the main character is not given some kind of godly ability that is overpowered.
if you look at it, it has the same vibe as the basketball anime Kuroko no basketball and that's why people still refer to it as the best sports anime.
an anime should have a way to engage its audiences; at times it's through comedy, fan service, or even through the story but in blue lock's case it's through a godly tournament-like action.
one other thing blue lock has that's better than most anime currently is its panels.
I can body say that blue lock has better panels than every anime of 2022. the panels not only reassure you of its tournament-like prowess but include enough action scenes in the anime that it seems like they are battling ( which they actually are).
good panels bring about masterful cinematography which makes it qualified as the best anime of this year.
although it's just an opinion I believe it to be through others might not agree with this notion and that's okay, we're built different
here are some panels for you to enjoy